Other causes: Food4Africa, Mineseekers, Blazer House. Wal-Mart sold the company to Berkshire Hathaway in 2003 for $1.45 billion. There are 48 other people named Alonzo Cantu on AllPeople. Cantu. Perot made $1.5 billion selling EDS to G.M., then turned around and created Perot Systems. In 2010, as a reward for doubling the size of the company, every Hilcorp employee got $50,000 to buy a new car. Rick Perry appointed Hildebrand a regent of the University of Texas earlier this year; he serves on the boards of the Greater Houston Community Foundation, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The firm practices higher density planting (6-10 times more tree population per acre), which also results in reduced pesticide applications and environment-friendly practices making it a role model in the delivery of highquality products to the market, according to the companys website (https://uscitrus.com). In July 2013, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones struck an estimated $500 million, 25-year naming rights deal with AT&T for his massive 100,000-seat stadium. Mr. Cant has the ability to help maintain this balance. Net worth: $1.6 billion. That's more than any other state except California and New York. Location. The one-time bankruptcy attorney turned shale-gas legend is now staffing up in the Marcellus shale gas for the third time. His mother Nancy Lee Bass died in March, aged 95 -- just one day after the passing of her best friend and neighbor, the pianist Van Cliburn. Growing up, he worked as a migrant farmworker and worked his way up to becoming an entrepreneur, said Sen. Juan Chuy Hinojosa, D-McAllen, Vice-Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, who as a young man also was a migrant farmworker. A new business school in her name is under construction and set to open at the University of South Carolina in 2014. He made his fortune selling power plant operator Cogen Technologies to Enron in 1999, and he still owns stakes in a couple of power plants. Cantu was appointed to the University of Houston System Board of Regents by Gov. "Border Health has consistently ranked among the top ten most generous political action committees over the past decade, and though Cantu tends to lean . Most know Ross Perot as a two-time candidate for president, but that adventure was at the end of a long and colorful career. The private 30-year-old is reportedly single and is $800 million richer than a year ago thanks to a rise in the stock price of Enterprise Products Partners and a generous dividend plan. He has a great business plan, he has been very patient with his project. Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. Alonzo Cantu has been associated with 106 companies, according to public records. Often mistaken for Parkinson's disease, Rainwater's ailment strikes just 6 people in 100,000. Cant has a long and proven record of job creation in South Texas and I am pleased to know the Rio Grande Valleys interests will be well represented on this council, said Guerra. Abbott has for the Rio Grande Valley, said Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg, who also serves as Chairman, House Committee on Transportation. It is a great product.. Thats power, Snchez reported in his December 2018 Texas Monthly article, Alonzo Cant is Getting Politicians to Pay Attention to the Valley. He will help the University of Houston System set goals and priorities and will ensure they are met for the betterment of the students and our state.. Around 1:09 p.m. Tuesday, officers went to the 1100 block of Virginia Boulevard, where they found Alonzo Cantu, 19, and a 15-year-old boy suffering from multiple gunshot wounds, according to police. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners is thriving and expanding amid the rising demand for natural gas - and throwing off fat payouts. DHR Health is the flagship teaching hospital for the UTRGV School of Medicine and encompasses a general acute hospital with the only dedicated womens hospital South of San Antonio, a rehabilitation hospital, a behavioral hospital, more than 60 clinics Valley-wide, advanced cancer services, the only transplant program in the Rio Grande Valley and the only functioning 24/7 Level 1 Trauma Center south of San Antonio. His El Coyote ranch in south Texas is home to an elite herd of Texas Longhorn cattle. College dropout opened first branch of Beal Bank in Texas in 1988 and added Nevada-based bank years later. 04/14/2022. This year during the first reporting period, turns out that PAC that Alonzo controls, the Border Health PAC . After outcry against Lee's insistence that he get to approve the program's professors, Yale canceled the program and returned the donation. Don't expect to see the laid-back billionaire take a bite out of contestants: "They're calling me the dolphin," DeJoria says. Frenchys was always at the top of my dining list, and those one-way $29 fares on Southwest back to McAllen were a blessing for a kid on a tight budget.. Alonzo has been found in 18 states including Texas, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio. Elida was born in 1927 in the town of Guardado de . ). After 10 years of building Hilcorp into one of the world's biggest privately owned oil companies, Jeff Hildebrand dared to branch out this year -- by opening a donut shop near his home in Houston's tony River Oaks. The 55-year-old entrepreneur will sell close to 60 million bottles this year, enough to earn him an estimated net worth of $2.5 billion. My goal is to bring a championship team to Houston and to keep making more money so I can give it away." Dan, 48, recently assumed the ownership mantle from his father. Enjoys waxing philosophical; at press conference for Sundance Square in 2012 he said, "Wealth is not, you know, a matter of money. Call free: +1 987 654321. After a bout with esophageal cancer in 2004, he began buying up other planes in earnest. He started as a bank examiner and bought drugstore with $5,000 cash and $95,000 loan. 2003. Not bad for the small-town Bentonville, Ark., museum, which includes works spanning five centuries from icons like Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell and Georgia O'Keeffe. A horse-lover, Hildebrand has built a polo field on his ranch in Aspen. He is an innovator. The Cowboys produced league-high figures in both revenue ($539 million) and operating income ($251 million) last season, despite recent lackluster performance on the field. Mani and Anne Skaria are proud parents of son Rony T. Skaria, M.D., and daughter Amy A. Skaria, M.D. U.S. Citrus, LLC, a state-of-theart enterprise, is located on a 550-acre site in Hargill, northwest of Edinburg, with the potential to produce large quantities of high-quality, disease-free citrus trees of many different varieties for sale. The son of onetime migrant farmworkers is a self-made millionaire with a nose for politics. Hunt Consolidated owns hotels and real estate around Dallas (including the iconic Reunion Tower), 400,000 acres of ranches across the West, and oil and gas fields worldwide (including a big find in Iraqi Kurdistan). Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: Oktober 31, 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: walgreens pharmacy 24 hours near bengaluru, karnataka; Beitrags-Kommentare: . My Forbes colleagues and I are always on the hunt for new billionaires to celebrate, in Texas and all over. Sarofim made his fortune as a buy-and-hold specialist with long-term investments in Philip Morris, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble. "The people who perform best are disciplined people. For Mani Skaria, Ph.D., Founder, President and CEO, US Citrus, LLC, who recently hosted his firms 1st Annual Employee Appreciation Dinner, he knew his staff members would be motivated and emboldened about business, public service, and philanthropy (charity) by learning from one of the best in those callings the Valleys own Alonzo Cant. Addressing his audience at the US Citrus, LLC dinner, Cant continued to express his appreciation to his parents, and for their wisdom and encouragement, in helping shape him into the man he has become. In addition to employing thousands of workers across his businesses, Alonzo also provides advice to other people just getting their business started. This fall he'll appear as a judge on ABC's entrepreneur pitch show "Shark Tank." Greg Abbott as one of 39 Texans to serve on a Special Advisory Council which will share innovative ideas to help businesses strategically restart while containing the spread of COVID-19. National File reported on Tuesday on the links between Border Health PAC, run by McAllen businessman Alonzo Cantu, and top . Susan Turley, President of DHR Health, said the hospital system has made an estimated $4 billion economic impact in the Valley in the past 12 years. Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00. mango market in cambodia He also sold a condo in Miami for $25 million and one in Dallas for $10 million. He was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. The Valley is changing rapidly, Cant said. . Terrorist attacks have impaired the value of Hunt Oil's stake in a liquefied natural gas project in Yemen, but Hunt's similar LNG project in Peru is going well. Alonzo was preceded in death by his brother, Raul. He directly owns 2% Kinder, which is up 17% since it went public. A college dropout, he serves on the board of regents for the University of Houston system. Rebecca Cantu 10 episodes, 2019 Jerry O'Connell . On file we have 2 email addresses and 3 phone numbers associated with Alonzo in area codes such as 361. He is chairman and CEO of Cantu Construction and chairman of the board of Lone Star National Bank, a Hispanic-owned and -operated financial institution. The co-founder of Doctors Hospital at Renaissance was asked what his priorities were for the 87th Legislature by David Diaz of Legislative Media Services at a recent media appreciation luncheon hosted by DHR Health. Hunt, inspiration of J.R. Ewing and half-brother of fellow list member Ray Lee Hunt, has stuck it out in the oil business. Nowadays Headington Oil is investing big in south Texas -- but in conventional oilfields, not shale plays. He was a major contributor to David Dewhurst, a republican. The Week In Energy: Bullish Signals For Oil, But Not For Natural Gas. alonzo cantu billionaire. Cant, (BBA 78) is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied finance. Cants selection became public duringAbbotts press conference at the Texas Capitol on Friday, April 17, 2020, when the governor issued three new Executive Orders to begin the process of reopening the State of Texas while revising hospital capacity and certain social distancing guidelines. Since 1978, he has gone from building homes and shopping centers to owning a title company, a bank, a. of South Carolina; in 2007 he pledged $100 million to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston to attract top-notch doctors. The pair left to found TPG and pursue their first deal together: they invested $66 million in faltering Continental Airlines; ultimately made $640 million profit. Look at what the citrus industries have done in California and Florida. More recently his Contran took fabricated wire product maker Keystone Consolidated Industries private. They told us how important education is, Cant recalled. Sid, 70, has been laying low since his late 2011 divorce from ultra-socialite second wife Mercedes. Perry Homes CEO Kathy Britton, construction magnate Alonzo Cantu, and restaurant operator Bobby Cox. Now Ford, 69, owns stakes in a mix of public and private companies. Through Providence Minerals, acquired in 2006, he controls millions of oil-and-gas acres across the country including many with new shale discoveries. Skaria said that with the modern and far-reaching scientific advances which have successfully been put into action by U.S. Citrus, LLC, the potential has significantly increased for the creation of a multi-billion dollar citrus industry in the Lone Star State. He gave $25,000 to Ready for Hillary in 2013 and has given up to $1 million to the Clinton Foundation. His Persian lime is better, juicer, and can be sold worldwide. Davis and fellow Forbes 400 member Kelcy Warren acquired the gas pipeline company Cornerstone in 1993. In recent years he's sold off most of the natural gas reserves for $700 million and many of the Alliance buildings for more than $800 million. After Oklahoma University, Headington earned graduate degrees in theology and psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. Download all contribution records for this person. A lot of us together are helping the Valley grow, Cant told US Citrus, LLC staff members and their families. Abbott to reopen Texas. Browse our public records directory to see Alonzo Cantu's contact info, age, cell phone number, email address, social media profiles, and more. If you could have anyone to a banquet, who would it be? Rumor is that Sid was more interested in pursuing his painting hobby in Fort Worth than going to the opera in New York, and never wanted to wear a tux again. The entrepreneur of "eatertainment." Bobby Guerra, D-McAllen, who during his legislative career at the House District 41 lawmakers request has served on the House Committee on Public Health, applauded the governors decision to include Cant on the Special Advisory Council. Drayton McLane Jr., 77, began his career in 1959 as a truck loader working night shifts in his family's grocery distribution center. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Alonzo Cantu Iii. alonzo cant of mcallen, whose far-reaching positive influence on the valley's economy, health care, education, and quality-of-life is felt on a large scale, on friday, april 17, 2020, was selected by gov. For the next doubling, expected in 2015, the bonus will be $100,000. Joe Jamail Jr. made history in 1987 after representing Pennzoil against Texaco in a landmark case that rewarded Pennzoil with $10.5 billion dollars and Jamail with $345 million in contingency fees. One of the exceptions is billionaire environmentalist Thomas S. Steyer, . Some pieces she donated from her personal collection (which is valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars). Over the next three decades he expanded the McLane Company into an international company with 18 divisions, including food service, software, and novelty gifts. The low-profile pipeline mogul became co-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team when he and former XTO Energy founder Bob Simpson teamed with Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan to buy the team for $593 million in 2010. Gov. AUSTIN, Texas - Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan today appointed State Representative Trent Ashby, Alonzo Cantu and Mari Robinson to the Broadband Development Office Board of Advisors. Forbes: Texas billionaires total 50, San Antonio 4 . Jamail, 88, who jokes about spending his time eating shrimp and eating beer, says he turns down hundreds of cases a year. And that distinction, in Skarias mind, also made Cant such a prized guest speaker for the US Citrus, LLCs 1st Annual Employee Appreciation Dinner. Will the Texans be ready to win the big game by then? Elaine Marshall, 71, holds an estimated 15% of conglomerate Koch Industries (controlled by Charles and David Koch, the world's richest brothers) in trusts for her, 2 sons (Preston and Everett) and other relatives. She and her siblings have also donated about $2 billion to the Walton Family Foundation over the last five years. Since last year, she received more than $350 million in Wal-Mart dividends after taxes. He later studied Islamic law in Cairo. Plants produce fruit much sooner than conventionally produced plants. He learned by example: his parents Nancy Lee Bass (who died in March) and husband Perry Bass (d. 2006) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by donating $1 million each to 50 charities. "After seventeen years as an energy trader, I feel that it's time to pursue other interests," wrote the former Enron star, who is said to have made $750 million for the defunct energy giant in 2001 alone. When Clinton lost to Barack Obama eight years ago, he announced he was spreading the wealth. Following in their father's footsteps the brothers became masons themselves, founding Wilks Masonry together in 1995. A newer adventure: his oil company HKN Energy is developing a giant oilfield in the Kurdish region of Iraq. Alonzo Cantu Jr., age 19. Richard Rainwater has been battling a rare neurodegenerative disease since 2009. Four billionaires. . Daughter of retail visionary Sam (d. 1992), Alice graduated from Trinity College in San Antonio, Tex., and now spends most of her time on the Rocking W Ranch in Milsap, outside of Fort Worth. Steven Birch 10 episodes, 2016-2022 Tijuana Ricks . Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website The companies were formed over a forty-two year period with the most recent being incorporated one year ago in November of 2021. (Condoleezza Rice was the other.) CANTU CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (trading name, 2016-12-09 - ) Agent Name Alonzo Cantu Agent Address 5221 N. MCCOLL RD., Mcallen, TX, 78504, USA Directors / Officers ALONZO CANTU, president ALONZO CANTU, director Alonzo Cantu, agent ELIDA CANTU, secretary ELIDA CANTU, director see all filings Father Reese made a fortune in oil and gas with Tana Petroleum. Other notable Texans with roots in the Valley who is joining Cant on the Special Advisory Council are David Oliveira of McAllen, a partner at Roerig, Oliveira & Fisher law firm, which has offices in McAllen and Brownsville, where he has practiced for more than 30 years. 2020 Transaction Count/Amount. According to Mordor Intelligence service, the total value for Persian lime is forecasted to reach almost $3 billion by the end of 2021, with Mexico supplying 95 percent of total limes imported to the United States. Both Friedkins share a passion for restoring and flying vintage military war plans and own together one of the largest such fleets in the country, frequently flying in commemorative events to honor those in the armed services. (Come on Houston, let's beat Dallas next year. In 2012 he acquired a massive pad in Manhattan's 834 Fifth Avenue for a reported $42 million. Alonzo Cantu in Texas We found 15 records for Alonzo Cantu in Allen, Taft and 11 other cities in Texas. In 1991, she and husband Perry Bass (d. 2006) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by donating $1 million each to 50 charities. DHR Health Opens Its Doors. Mr. The company ranked 12th on FORBES' 2012 list of America's Largest Private Companies. Altogether Landry's has 63 brands--including Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., Morton's Steakhouse and Rainforest Cafe--with total 500 locations. Rep. R.D. But Skaria is confident his way of producing citrus will have a huge effect on the regions economic prosperity. Things are so hectic for everyone right now. He's also big in the Utica shale of Ohio and the Gulf Coast region. Former longtime Rep. Ren Oliveira, D-Brownsville, is a partner with the firm. 2008 Election Cycle. The son of onetime migrant farmworkers is a self-made millionaire with a nose for politics. Possessed of his parents' entrepreneurial spirit and the business skills he learned at UH, he decided to follow the path of his father, Guadalupe, and become a builder. And it inspired him. Avara's sister Randa Duncan Williams was recently elected as non-executive Chairman of the Board. From custom homes to sophisticated hospitals and a university medical research center, to small and large private business facilities, even sports and entertainment complexes such as the privately-ownedH-E-B Park and the City of Edinburgs publicly-owned Bert Ogden Arena, Cant has conceived and/or led many projects whose combined construction value approaches $1 billion, if not more. A big backer of conservative causes, Simmons gave more than $25 million to Republican super PACs during the 2012 presidential election. Seven years later, the brothers founded Frac Tech. Williams is involved in a number of Houston-based charities including the Ballet Foundation, Manned Spaceflight Education Foundation, the Museum of Natural Science and the Girl Scouts. Sixty-Nine of the companies are still active while the remaining thirty-seven are now listed as inactive. View Alonzo Cantu results in McAllen, TX including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. On file we have 54 email addresses and 70 phone numbers associated with Alonzo in area codes such as 210, 832, 479, 972, 469, and 13 other area codes. Case in point: The Border Health PAC, closely tied to McAllen multi-millionaire Alonzo Cantu a major fundraiser for former Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton was Bonnen's . All Rights Reserved, Sen. Hinojosa, Sen. LaMantia draw two-year terms instead of usual four-year terms as the result of requirement by the Texas Constitution, Lt. Gov. alonzo cantu billionaire. Von Der Leyen Advocates Trading One Energy Dependency For Another In Davos, The Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough In Context, Russias Invasion Of Ukraine Triggers Renewable Energy Rush, Say World Leaders In Abu Dhabi. Direct Phone ***** Get Phone Number. Dannine Avara, 49, daughter of the late Dan Duncan, saw her fortune grow $800 million since our last Forbes 400 issue thanks to generous payouts and jump in value of Enterprise Product's shares. Miguel Castillo; Fernando Cant; Milton Martnez; Tony Nio; Isaac Rodrguez; Tony Roland; and Juan Snchez. (Forbes reporter Clare O'Connor just got an exclusive look inside her world. Dan is also actively engaged in environmental stewardship in his home state of Texas, where he serves as chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. "But I'm just flying around," he says. The Persian lime is the most widely cultivated lime species commercially, and accounts for the largest share of the fruits sold as limes. Farris might be the only Forbes 400 member who is also a preacher, presiding over the Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day church founded by his father in Rising Star, Tex. Axe Cap Analyst 10 episodes, 2019 He still maintains his post as a director, and is apparently bullish about the company's future -- upping his stake by one million shares in the past year. Its good to see people like Mani creating jobs for the community.. This is a BETA experience. Thats is a $20,000 increase from the current plan; Waiving theGRE and GMAT testingrequirements for students pursuing graduate or doctoral degrees; andImplementing theStudent Emergency Fundfor students who need immediate assistance due to these unforeseen circumstances. Lee Bass is the youngest of the four Bass brothers, who inherited a fortune from their oil tycoon uncle Sid Richardson four decades ago and have been building on it ever since, working with investing talent from the likes of Richard Rainwater and David Bonderman. This year, with wife Anne, he donated $50 million to Duke University to support interdisciplinary studies aimed at tackling complex societal problems. Today I was formally appointed to a 39-member task force by Gov. This image was taken during the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony of the DHR Health Aquatic Therapy Institute, located at 2001 South Cynthia Street, Suite E in McAllen, on Thursday, September 26, 2019. They flipped the pipelines to El Paso in 1999, using the proceeds to create a natural gas retailer, distributor and pipeline company Energy Transfer Equity. Thanks to the diligent work of our Faculty Senate and for their compassion for our students during this crisis, UTRGV will offer a pass/no pass option for the remainder of the spring semester, Bailey said via video to the UTRGV student body. Along with its 500+ bed full-service health system serving more than 280,000 patients annually, it has 5,500+ employees, 1,400 nurses, and 600+ physicians providing care in 70+ specialties and sub-specialties. Our beloved son, Alonzo Cantu Jr. , went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at the age of 19 years. "They were actually fighting and trying to save their ass and fighting for our country." Robert and his brothers inherited a fortune from their oil tycoon uncle Sid Richardson four decades ago and have been building on it ever since, working with investing talent from the likes of Richard Rainwater and David Bonderman. (Martinez) Cantu on February 2, 2007 in Denton County, Texas on August 10, 2010. It was my first time away from home, he recalls, and here I was living in a high-rise (Moody Towers). Charles Butt is the chairman and CEO of H.E. Click to light a candle, post a photo, or tell the world about Alonzo. After quitting as Enron president in 1996, the Texan founded what is now the largest U.S. pipeline company with friend William Morgan a year later. The 54-year-old founder of Hilcorp Energy reportedly refused to open the shop until he was convinced they had the best donuts in town (they are pretty good). ), Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton's Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art -- which she founded in 2011 -- has eclipsed 1 million visitors in under two years of operation. Cant said US Citrus, LLC is an asset for a more prosperous economic future for deep South Texas because of the vision and work of the Skaria family, along with the support and expertise of investors and employees with the company.
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